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SCIFORCE is dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence, serving the scientific and medical communities by publishing high quality journals for the benefit of humanity our vision is to build an open science platform where everybody has an equal opportunity to seek, share and generate knowledge, empowering researchers and scholars in their daily work." We strongly foster the open-access policy and offer unrestricted access to published manuscripts, reproduction and distribution of the manuscripts in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
We are dedicated to offer researchers a broad range of services and are well known for providing relatively rapid online publication in an efficient and effective manner. Through our diverse family of journals Sciforce meets the information needs of scientists in the fields of biomedical, medical, pharmaceutical, and engineering, technology, chemical sciences, physical sciences, management, earth sciences, social and computer sciences.
WHO ARE WE? Sciforce is an interdisciplinary platform to promote the publication of research advances across diverse aspects of medical sciences with the support and expertise of a diverse scientific community. Prestigiously associated with over 100 open access science and medical journals, Sciforce began its venture in 2016 with the aspirations to offer unlimited access to scientific publications for readers from all over the globe. Today, we stand as a pioneer Open Access organization with the association of distinguished scientists, researchers and academicians, as a part of our expert Reviewer and Editorial Board.
SciForce is founded with one goal in mind; providing easy access to quality resources. Our mission is to promote and share the Power of Science to the academic, industry, and research labs all over the world by working with them. We make sure you get access to new findings, cutting edge technologies, and the latest developments in research. It will not only complement your study but also keep you on the path to foresee future discoveries. Based on this philosophy, we are called SciForce, the Power of Science. Whether you want to conduct research or review a paper, we offer various fields of subjects for your knowledge enhancement. New peer-reviewed journals, book chapters, and subject-related articles are published and updated in every issue.
Benefits to Users:
Open Access Journals
Immediate access and downloads
Digital Object Identifiers (DOI)
Notifications of new releases
Guaranteed satisfaction
Quality assessment support
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SciForce promotes education and research to the academic community. Hence the Universities are our natural partners in collaborative work. Please contact us if you want your institute to work with us. We believe that the science community needs a platform to communicate with each other. Hence to keep the connection with individuals and institutes, we have developed virtual conference style networking to share your progress. Providing access to healthy discussions may result in efficient productivity of the research. Connect with your peers to collaborate for research ties, raise funds, or even write proposals. We provide networking opportunities in science for the modern world of communication. We work with subject experts to peer-review the journals. We provide advising and support as well.
There is an urgency to solve Covid-19 pandemic. Scientists all over the world are working hard to find a vaccine to cure this pandemic. Sciforce understands this issue and wants to be a part of the solution. Therefore your work in this area of research will be given high priority to be reviewed and published immediately. Please contact us to discuss with one of our team members. We will give you special access to our finest resources.
Sciforce Publishing Center
Email: editor@sciforce.net
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